The Fear of Imperfection
I've grown up thinking (and accepting) that I was a perfectionist. I thought that was a good character trait to have and I would have proudly announced it to anyone. Until I entered a new stage of my life called Motherhood. I quickly realized that perfectionist and Motherhood don't co-exist. At least for me and my sanity, they couldn't. Along my journey of Motherhood and growing as a person, I also learned that "perfectionist" has been the part of me that has held me back. From speaking my voice. From letting others in. From doing the things I know I need to do. From doing the things that I WANTED to do (like start a blog). Over time I have begun to learn that I needed to let this "part" of me go. Not only is Motherhood messy but so is life and that's what makes it beautiful. The falling flat on your face and rising again to try your best. It's about progress not perfection. Perfection doesn't exist! No wonder I had been struggling for so long for the perfect words and the perfect life and the perfect me. It is perfect in the imperfect.
What has been the best thing you have let go of, in order to step more into your true self and become the parent your child needs you to be?