Your outside world changes when you gather the courage to do the inside work. For everything you see on the outside is merely acting as a mirror to your inner landscape. Heal within and witness the harvest of your growth.

Life is about change.

We are human beings, experiencing a state of ebb and flow as we continue on our journey. A state of growth is necessary in order to evolve with our lives. But those ever-changing dynamics can be tricky to manage, along with the day-to-day tasks of keeping everyone alive and well (kids fed, relationships connected, house chores completed, and income flowing).

How do you know what YOU actually need, in order to feel fulfilled amongst all of this?

Because here’s the thing…if your inside world feels burnt out, frustrated and lost, there is nothing on the outside that will make you feel content and at peace.

Please read that again. It matters so much!

YOU are what matters. YOU are what makes a difference in your life.

In the choices of food you eat, the way you move your body, the connection you have with your partner, family and friends. In the thoughts you think daily and in the joy you find in your life. And the most beautiful part is that you have the answers all within you.

We were all born with a strong sense of intuition.
You intuitively knew when to eat and sleep as a baby.
You intuitively knew how to express yourself as a child.
You learned how to keep yourself safe as a teenager by sharing parts of you and keeping others hidden.

Over time, that sense of inner wisdom and direction disappeared because we weren’t taught to listen and trust it. We were taught to look towards outside resources for help and guidance.

Your purpose is calling you back.

Your heart is aching for you to listen again.

Trust what it has to say, knowing that it is your compass to find your essence again. That beautiful place in your life where things feel like they are flowing without force. When your actions align with what you desire and you become unstoppable.

You deserve this.

You are capable of this.

When you commit to yourself, your whole life can change.

This is exactly the journey I’ve been embarking on the last 19 years.

I worked as an elementary teacher for 10 years, constantly burnt out, reaching for various vices to numb out the frustration I was feeling of anxiety and depression. Once I had my son, I realized I couldn’t deny this anymore. He needed me to make changes. I didn’t yet believe that I deserved a better life, but you bet I knew in my whole heart that he deserved a better mom.

A mom with lots of energy to keep up to him.

A mom who was calm and joyful.

A mom who had a loving relationship her husband.

A mom who loved herself.

Journaling has always been a guiding force for me. Unraveling my thoughts and feelings onto paper, no matter how scared I was to write them out, has continued to lead me back to my truth. My intuition. That inner guidance lighting the dark and confusing path back to my deepest desires and who I was meant to be in this lifetime. Reiki only strengthened it for me. Using energy healing was like a super power to get me to where I wanted to go.

It is my mission to help other women connect back to their God given intuition, through their own journal writing and connecting them to their ancestors, guides and Higher Self through Reiki.

If you feel a little nudge on your heart, listen to it. That is your inner wisdom calling you home.

Let’s get you back to her.