The Reason To Write
I'm no blogger. I have started about 3 or 4 blogs in the past year with high hopes of publishing some great work and being an inspiration to the world. But I don't have a hot clue what I'm doing. And every time it held me back from hitting the publish button.
Slowly I started to realize or question the true reasons why I wanted to start a blog. So many great books I've read (like Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton) and many amazing podcasts I've listened to started out as a blog. I started to think that maybe the only reason why I wanted to start a blog was because I felt like that's what I SHOULD do. But very little good will come out of doing things because we feel we SHOULD be doing the thing.
Journaling has always been something I enjoyed doing and a great outlet for me to record my thoughts and be able to look back on my growth over time. Blogging to me is just journaling on a way bigger scale (like letting the whole world read your thoughts and hearts deepest desires).
Over the past 2 years I have been thrilled to not only watch my son grow and develop and explore his world but also see the world from a totally different view myself. I am also growing and developing and changing. The woman I was before Motherhood is not the woman I want to be for my kids. It is not who they need. They need someone who is much much more alive and passionate. They need someone who will step into herself-to empower herself so that she is overflowing for them.
The reason to write is to record my growth over time. To record my lessons and share (if not only with myself) the great books and podcasts and stories that are shaping me into the woman Motherhood has called me to be.
So I will write.